Welcome! My name is Adam Gray, a photographer based in Kitimat, British Columbia. Thank you for checking out my portfolio!
Most of my time is spent somewhere in the bush. I am an avid fly fisherman and have always had a love for nature. One day in university, I decided to buy a camera and attempt to document what I found interesting while on my adventures. Birds, fish, animals, plants...you name it. While those first photographs were nothing special, they sparked a passion that I can't stop chasing.
I now primarily focus on photographing wildlife, landscapes, and fly fishing adventures. Living in Northern British Columbia, I've learned to bring my camera everywhere I go. There is always something interesting to photograph around every corner in this special part of the world.
In my professional life, I am a Teacher. Education is something I am very passionate about and I can't picture myself doing anything else. I love sharing photographs and stories of adventures with my students, with the intention of inspiring our next generation to love and care for our planet.
Again, thanks for checking out my work. Please don't hesitate to reach out and connect! I love meeting and collaborating with likeminded people.
Adam Gray